The 2nd Performing Arts Conference by Kenya Cultural Center

The Kenya Cultural Centre hosted their 2nd Performing Arts Conference, themed: Igniting the future - Sustainable innovation & social impact in performing arts. The conference brought together performing artists, academia representatives, govt agencies and development partners.

As a beneficiary of our ACP-EU Eastern Africa Ignite Culture program; Ignite Culture, KCC honoured us with an invitation to give the keynote speech. HEVA takes pride in supporting the beneficiaries and creative enterprises in our business portfolio via these public engagements as it allows us to also share the significance of their work and contributions to building the region’s creative & cultural industries.

During her speech, our Operations Partner, Kendi Kamwambia reflected on the profound role that the performing arts plays in addressing social issues and fostering positive change in the creative ecosystem. She also highlighted how we can work together to ensure that this ecosystem continues to thrive sustainably. “We must all continue to engage, collect and disseminate data, collaborate and exchange knowledge. HEVA aims to showcase new and innovative works, such as the new Poetry Theatre Curriculum by the Kenya Cultural Centre. We need to continue to develop best practices for artistic creation, audience engagement and impact measurement. This will continue to advance the work we have all been doing.”

Thank you @kenya.culturalcentre for inviting us to be part of the 2nd Performing Arts Conference to discuss sustainable innovation and social impact in the performing arts. It was series of successful engagements and performances, congratulations.

Read more about the @kenya.culturalcentre Poetry Theatre Development project which seeks to address career gaps through the development and rollout of an exclusive and first-of-its-kind poetry theatre course at the TVET level, supported by our @ignite_cultureea grant program.


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