Welcome, Pam! Meet Our Investments Director

The HEVA team is rapidly growing. It’s always a pleasure to welcome new people, great energy, and fresh ideas. We’ll be introducing all the new faces as we go. Today we welcome Pam, our new Investments Director. What better way to get to know her than a little Q&A?

Q. As the Investments Director tell us what you’re working on at HEVA and what we can expect

We’re working on providing tailored financial solutions to address challenges faced by creatives. This includes creating opportunities for financial empowerment and economic development. Our upcoming projects truly involve expanding access to capital, seeking investors for creative enterprises, and supporting the growth of the creative economy in Kenya and the continent.

Q. What would you say is different about the creative industries compared to your other experiences and what excites you most about it?

The creative industries offer a unique blend of artistry and commerce, which is different from the more traditional business sectors even though the financial fundamentals remain the same, it calls for a different approach and parameters. What excites me most is the potential for innovative solutions, and the opportunity to empower individuals and communities through creative expression and cultural entrepreneurship. It's a really interesting space.

Q. What would you like to see achieved for cultural practitioners & artisans and creative enterprises?

I would like to see greater access to financial resources, technical assistance, and market opportunities for cultural practitioners, artisans, and creative enterprises.

I envision a thriving creative economy where these individuals and businesses can achieve sustainable growth and make significant contributions to their communities and the broader economy. In addition, the longevity of their enterprises and of course favourable policies by the government and private sector that create an enabling environment for their passions and profitability.

Q. What’s something that you previously didn’t know about HEVA that you’d like others to know?

I have been impressed by the depth of HEVA's commitment to empowering the creative sector and its innovations, the data collected throughout the years on the industry and the clear approaches to addressing financial and technical challenges. I would like others to know about HEVA's extensive efforts in capacity building and its impactful initiatives that support the growth and sustainability of creative enterprises in Africa. The team has been amazing in welcoming and orienting me. Asante!

Q. Lastly, tell us a bit about yourself
I am a mom, a wife, and I love Jesus, a bonafide style lover, and a travel enthusiast. I really love dancing; I am pretty great at it 🙂 (in my head). In corporate I am a thought leader in global policy, MSME funding, capacity building and development issues. I am also the founder of This Girl Boss Hustle (TGBH), a community-based organisation that has impacted more than 500 women in business. I am a speaker at international conferences and a published writer on SME industry and business models.


Opportunities at HEVA!


The 2nd Performing Arts Conference by Kenya Cultural Center